Pictures OF My mate's (Page 1)

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John smokin a ciggy JOHN!
John is a best mate. I met him in town once and he's been cool ever since! I can talk to him about anything and everything, and he's soooooo great to hangout with, he's funny and fun! One of the nicest guys I've met!
Love ya john!

Kate and Me at some park near town Kayte
I know this picture has already been on the website but this time I'm telling you bout the girl in it! I'm the one with the ginger hair so ignore me! The other girl is Kate...I love her loads and loads....and i'd kill anyone who upsets her!! shes one of the coolest mate's I've ever had, and i couldn't stand to lose her for anything.
Love ya Kate!

Alisia..Doing what I don't know! Alisia!
Ok I ain't got a clue what she was doin here! but she rules aswell!!! lol!!! She's really cool, but I only get to see her at school...and not much at school either, but she alway's hangs out with me at break or lunch sometimes. She's cool, and one of the only people younger than me that I know like's decent music!!She rules!!! I love her loads, just like the oher people before this one but ya know, I love them all different! lol!!

Sid Sitting down, wear the marilyn manson jumper he usually does! lol! Ian!
Ian rules, I don't know much about him, but he's cool to talk to, when he actually talks back! I think he's cool, and i don't care if he think's it back! I met him with John and Alex, and I only rly hang out with Jon and Ian out of them three now, when me, kayte, johanna, John, Ian, and Alex all met in town. Since then we been meetin up and hangin out a lot! He's a cool guy, and yup I do love him!
(Ian, also Known as Sid)

Johanna outside A house! Johanna
Hmmm.....My best mate....We've been through some hell's over the past 3 years we've known each other...but we've got through them..because she is a true friend!! I love her to bit's and she alway's let's me know when something has gone wrong, or is alway's there for me when someone upsets me, I love her loads and loads, and She's gunna be the one person I'm gunna make sure i keep in contact with when I leave school!!!!! Because if she went away I'd be dead!! Because she alway's helps me out!!!!

This is Kayliegh...In her house i guess(im just guessin)

I ain't known Kayliegh too long, But she's cool!! I haven't really hung out with her much either...but still, I like her!

She's one of the sweetest girls I know and she like's good music so she's all good!....Kinda i guess lol

Errr...KEVIN Kevin
Kevin is wierd....He's always Horny....But he's really funny! He sent me one picture of him titled "Sexy Boy". At least it shows he's confident about himself!!!!!!!! But he's super cool, and a best friend! YOU RULE KEVIN! I can't really think of much else to say really....other than he's super cool and a really cool guy to have as a friend!

This is Liam just near where we hang out at school Liam
Well I've know Liam for a very very long time but only started hangin out with him recently...He's a fun and funny guy...but he scares me a little bit aswell! He likes to hug people...And he's a cool guy to cuddle coz he's cuddley! Hmmmmm I dunno what else to say other than he's a cool/freaky/scary/funny guy!

(From left to right) : Simley and Liam Standing above the porus pitch if I'm not mistaken

I've changed this since I first met Smiley and Liam so this is what i think now...

Well......He's a very funny guy, cool and wierd at the same time i guess but he is fun to hang around with. He scares me sometimes but ah well...I ain't too botherd lol...anyways, hes still very cool

Liam....Since i met him he was just another guy i knew, but now hes one of my best mates and i can tell him anything! I really trust him and hes really cool. He's also goin out with one of my best mates ; Kayte...and they are pretty cute togther.

Anyways that's smiley and Liam...two of my best mates

this is sarah sitting above the field at school Sarah
Yes....tis sarah, and she's one of my best friend's. She rule's and is the queen of the spoon's! lol! To most poeple she is known as sarah spoon. I can't really say much about her....Much like everyone else....other than i love her to bit's and she's a really cool mate.....hmmmm......pretty much it.....but this is to sarah...i have a new broom!!! wanna come round and break...i mean clean with it? lol naaa love ya really